Sunday, April 29, 2012

My reading basket

Toby found a quiet place to read today: under the kitchen table and in a laundry basket.

My Goofy Kids

We've had a few trips in the past month that were fun for the kids. And I took some pictures that have yet to see the light of day. There are a ton that are trapped on my phone... Perhaps they'll be posted here magically, if I can ever figure out the magic button to press. :o)
We went to Virginia to visit our friend Geoff and spent an afternoon at Chrysalis Vineyards for a picnic. Here the kids are sitting in the "no-kids-allowed" patio area of the vineyard. We got kicked off the patio soon after this picture was taken. Good thing the proprietors didn't see us giving them sips of wine. Kidding. It was just Martinelli's cider in Chrysalis glasses. But we had a really fun time picnic-ing with friends that day, spending the night in a hotel (with a pool! And a hot waffle for breakfast!), and then visiting a local farm for an Easter egg hunt the next day.

Another picnic. This time with friends who drove down from New Jersey for a weekend visit. (They say it was actually for some kind of training thing, but really it was to hang with our awesomeness.) We took the metro into DC and walked through the city, as well as the American History Smithsonian. It was a crowded Saturday, so all the hit exhibits at the museum had long lines. But I think Toby liked the wars exhibit and Norah got a kick out of the huge dollhouse on display.

We took our friends out to Annapolis for a lunch date and walked around the Academy for a bit. This picture looks quite similar to a place in Mystic, doesn't it?