The disadvantages to moving in the middle of July: Monday 90 degrees, Tuesday 90 degrees, Wednesday 90 degrees, Thursday 90 degrees, Friday 90 degrees...No air conditioning; Being surrounded by cardboard boxes (I hate the smell of cardboard); Saying goodbye (while sweating in the non-air conditioned 90 degree heat); Recovering from saying goodbye over several bottles of wine with great friends while being surrounded by cardboard boxes, 90 degree heat without air conditioning, and two hot cranky kiddos....
Did I mention that it's going to be 90 degrees or higher all week here in the Springs?
Ugh. I make excuses to run errands just to get into my air conditioned car or a store! Not very green of me, I know.
Musings from a full-time mother and wife, teacher/librarian, and wish-I-had-more-time reader.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Sunday, July 20, 2008
My Babysitter
I think we should send PBS a large check just for the fact that all of Toby's favorite cartoons are on PBS. Right now he's jumping on the bed shouting "Mom! Bob the Builder's on! Come and see!" I should be getting ready for church. It's nice to have the 3 year old occupied while attempting to get ready in the morning (or check email for a second). The cool thing about Connecticut public television (which might be our only TV option) is that you get 3 PBS stations: Boston, Rhode Island, and Connecticut! :)
Saturday, July 19, 2008
My Kids are Helping Me How?
My Superman
Friday, July 18, 2008
My Countdown
Hard to believe there are only 7 more days in this house. The moving van will be here one week from today. Yikes! Any idea how long my to-do list is? Well, there's one full page for every room of the house, it seems...
We're looking forward to cooking a ton of food to use up what we have in the freezer. It reminds me of the time that BJ's mom cooked up all that meat from her freezer before she moved to Ohio (how long ago was that???). BJ and a bunch of UNC wrestlers ate all that meat until they made themselves sick! I don't think we have that much meat to use, but there is a Prime Rib involved.
The kids are sleeping (glorious synchronization--who knows how long it will last), so it's off to more pre-packing duties!
We're looking forward to cooking a ton of food to use up what we have in the freezer. It reminds me of the time that BJ's mom cooked up all that meat from her freezer before she moved to Ohio (how long ago was that???). BJ and a bunch of UNC wrestlers ate all that meat until they made themselves sick! I don't think we have that much meat to use, but there is a Prime Rib involved.
The kids are sleeping (glorious synchronization--who knows how long it will last), so it's off to more pre-packing duties!
Saturday, July 12, 2008
My 4th of July

It was really fun, and while the fireworks were simple, we got to sit really close and they echoed throughout the valley of Keystone. Toby (and Norah) really enjoyed them. The best part for me was to watch the fireworks through Toby's eyes. It was like seeing them for the first time. He got so excited and at one point he stood up and yelled "Oh my gosh!" So cute.
My Summer Vacation
The news came in this week: I passed my comprehensive exams!
I will officially be a "master" of something (once I get my piece of paper in the mail that declares it). That feels nice. It feels even better to know that I have no desire to go back to school in any way, shape, or form in the future. Just in time, I'd say, considering we're going to be spending about 3 years with BJ back in school shortly. So this is the last of the summer vacations we'll have for a WHILE. And of course (leave it to the Strawsers) it won't feel like we're on summer vacation because we'll be downsizing and prepping our house to get ready for moving day--a mere two weeks from now and all our earthly belongings will be stuffed on a truck heading east. Sad day.
So my summer reward for finishing my master's has come and gone: I read Stephenie Meyer's newest book, The Host. Roughly 600 pages of interesting Sci-Fi mixed with a little bit of lovey-dovey stuff--completely clean because, after all, she is a Mormon housewife you know. It felt good to read a book and not have to review it or get tested on it, so that's all I'm going to say about my "reward" book. I am still waiting for that perfect margarita (now that it's official).... That will be a nice end to a short summer vacation, too.
I will officially be a "master" of something (once I get my piece of paper in the mail that declares it). That feels nice. It feels even better to know that I have no desire to go back to school in any way, shape, or form in the future. Just in time, I'd say, considering we're going to be spending about 3 years with BJ back in school shortly. So this is the last of the summer vacations we'll have for a WHILE. And of course (leave it to the Strawsers) it won't feel like we're on summer vacation because we'll be downsizing and prepping our house to get ready for moving day--a mere two weeks from now and all our earthly belongings will be stuffed on a truck heading east. Sad day.
So my summer reward for finishing my master's has come and gone: I read Stephenie Meyer's newest book, The Host. Roughly 600 pages of interesting Sci-Fi mixed with a little bit of lovey-dovey stuff--completely clean because, after all, she is a Mormon housewife you know. It felt good to read a book and not have to review it or get tested on it, so that's all I'm going to say about my "reward" book. I am still waiting for that perfect margarita (now that it's official).... That will be a nice end to a short summer vacation, too.
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