Saturday, August 2, 2014

Conversations with Kids

Overheard at our house recently:

T: "Norah, where's that dog leash? I want to use it as a whip and pretend to be Indiana Jones."


N: "Mom, is heaven underground?"
Me: "No."
N: "Is heaven up in the sky?"
Me: "Not exactly..."
N: "Then why do we bury people when they die?"
Me: "Well...(My poor attempt at 6 year-old theology) You don't take your body with you to heaven. You get a new one when your soul gets to heaven. So we bury people here on earth and their soul goes to heaven."
N: "OK."


N: (whining from the backseat) "Moooommm, Toby won't let me read The New Yorker!"