We did it!
It was raining the entire time but we did it!
I am really proud of both BJ and I for setting out to do something that's out of both of our comfort zones and getting it done!
We got to the race with plenty of time (thanks to our friends for being available to watch Toby and Norah at 7:45--before their own kid was up!), got our "bibs" (our numbers: 609 and 610), and then milled around until we had to walk (1/4 of a mile) to where the start was.
The beginning was crowded and BJ and I got separated at first; we only got to run together for about 90 seconds of the entire race!
There were about 250 people running the 5K and another 700 or so running the Half Marathon. BJ and I got passed up by almost every marathoner during the course of our race, which wasn't great for our mindsets, but we persevered and eventually we each found our pace.
I had time to think about lots of things while on my race, but mostly I just tried to enjoy myself. The rain, while annoying to be so wet so quickly, helped keep us cool and the temperature was just about right.
I'm looking forward to finding some more 5K's to do in the future. I had a lot of fun with this one. I'm glad BJ was able to run it too!