I used to pride myself on never giving up on a book, and not switching to a new book until I had finished the one I was reading. (This may not be considered a source of pride to many, but rather a source of stupidity or a stubborn waste of time). Recently, however, I have had to re-evaluate my stance on book consumption. I have front-loaded my library list with quality book suggestions, and I don't know where to start. So I've started a little bit from each of them. Here are a few of the titles I've been sampling:
When you Reach me. 2010's Newbery award winner--I started this one and didn't want to put it down. (When I got back to it on Monday night I didn't move from the couch until it was finished. I paid for it the next morning when I had to battle the dirty dishes to get the coffee set up, but it was totally worth it.)
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Interesting premise, and it was recommended to me by my little sister. (Who didn't read it, but thought based on her book club's discussion that I might like it. She had a good excuse for not reading it, I think: she just had a baby a week ago! Welcome to the world, Kennadie!). Not a good sign that I had to ask BJ what two words meant--on the synopsis from the book cover! Too much time on young adult lit, I guess. But I'm on chapter 4 and it hasn't put me to sleep yet.
The Blind Side. Wanted to read this over Christmas break but didn't get around to checking it out. Put it on my list and forgot about it until today. I want to read it before I watch the movie (which is on my Netflix queue). We'll see if I can read it before the movie becomes available.
Making toast. I heard an interview with the author on the Diane Rehm show on NPR when I was picking Toby up from preschool. I usually can't stand Diane Rehm's voice, but I stuck it out for a half an hour to listen to this guy talk about his experience. He and his wife moved in with his son-in-law to help raise their three grandchildren when their daughter abruptly died in 2007. I've read a few pages of this memoir and it's already made me laugh and cry.
13 Reasons Why. A novel about a teenager's suicide. Saw a friend suggest it on Facebook. I haven't started this one yet. I'm limiting my intake of death to one book at a time.