Monday, May 11, 2009

My Last Episode

Scrubs season finale aired last Wednesday.
Toby watched a little bit of it with me before his bedtime. I tucked him into bed with some stories and told him that I'll read to him in a bit. He (unknowingly) put himself to sleep so I could watch my show. How thoughtful of him!
The finale was great. I made me laugh out loud and the ending made me cry. Scrubs, without a doubt, has the best soundtrack of any show on television. Some of my favorite music (Joshua Radin, Snow Patrol, Coldplay, Kutless) has been used as the background music in episodes over the last 8 years.
Here's a link to a blogger's post over at It links to the last 4 minutes of the last episode, in case you want to hear the song that made me cry (and I cried again when I listened to it this morning--I'm a sucker for emo, I guess, or maybe just for Peter Gabriel songs set to Scrubs).

I think I forgot to mention that I watched a Scrubs episode (dubbed into German) while we were in Germany. BJ was at the conference and I was channel surfing at the hotel (which I don't recommend: TV there is a lot racier at 2 in the afternoon than it is even at 2 in the morning here in the States) and I caught an episode--how random is that?

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