Friday, July 10, 2009

My Sneaky Son

OK, one more quick post.
We have a chalkboard in our kitchen where we write down our grocery list. Toby has been able to reach it (it's not really at his height) and sometimes likes to draw pictures on it. He's also on a kick where he likes to write his name, whether it's on paper, on his dry-erase board, or on whatever he's working on. Sometimes, though, he decides to write just the T and the B in his name, or he'll leave out the Y or something. So imagine how cute this was:
I noticed a little scrawl at the bottom of our chalkboard list (you know, paper towels, honey, dish soap, etc) that looked like Toby tried to spell his name. But he left out the B, so he spelled TOY. I pointed the list out to him and said "Hey, what's this?" where he wrote on the board. He said "I did that!" And I said "You wrote TOY on there. Did you mean to add "toy" to our grocery list?" Of course he replies, "Yes! I want a toy!" He then runs off to his room and comes back saying "Look, I have some money now so let's go get a toy!" He thought he was so clever for writing down toy on the list and thought he had found a great way to get a new toy.

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