Thursday, August 6, 2009

My Morning Paper

Today was kind of weird because Norah actually got up before Toby and so I got to spend some time with just my daughter. That doesn't happen often because usually Toby is up first and goes to bed later. So we made a blueberry pie. I think she learned a lot, but specifically that she likes blueberries that have been tossed with sugar.
Toby and I spent time reading the paper after Norah went down for a nap. But since Toby doesn't read (yet) and certainly has little to no interest in the New York Times I made it into a game. I got a pen and put circles all around the letters in his name that we found on the front half of the Business Day section (above the fold). We spelled his name four times over and then he wanted to find the letters to spell zoo. We did (thanks to an article that mentioned "Amazon") and then we tried finding all the letters in the alphabet. We did it very quickly with the letters in the headlines and thanks to a blurb about the Red Sox and an article about the flu vaccine (influenza). We had a lot of fun and it makes me appreciate the fact that we subscribe to a paper that can occupy me and Toby with a simple "find the alphabet" game, while enabling me to read up on the news too.

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