Sunday, October 11, 2009

My Night Job

One of the few ways I can support BJ in his school work is by proof reading his papers. I've read papers so far on human rights, political philosophy, metaphysics, and many other related topics. When I say "read" I really meant that I've tried to decipher words that I've never heard of and mostly looked for commas that are out of place or sentences missing capitals. :)
As I finished reading this most recent paper (completed three days early--yay you!) I reflected yet again how happy I am to not have any paper-writing in my future. My days of attending class and doing homework are long gone. I am perfectly content being the "master editor," as BJ calls me. (See me smile and happily turn computer over to husband to fix edits while I revel in the Bronco's win against the Patriots.....No other win of the season tastes so sweet!)

On an update/note: Our desktop computer has gone completely mad (since it has a personality of its own) and will not turn on. All our pictures were backed up the day this started happening, but I have no way of showing you all the cute pictures I took last month. So stay tuned for more pictures, but you'll just have to wait a little while until we get a computer up and running again (the laptop is no place to store our pictures, so they're sitting on our camera). But here's a cute picture off the camera just to show you that our kids still exist (and are also enjoying the Bronco's victory in their sleep).

P.S. No offense to the person pictured here, but I hate clowns. About as much as I hate monkeys. (Two things Toby will not ever be for Halloween if I can help it.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're brother in law Nate will be sad you don't like Monkey's or you will be saturated with them when you visit his house and your niece!!!