On Wednesday I took Toby to preschool and Norah to the nursery so I could teach my little group of home schoolers. I haven't mentioned this little group very often, but it's a fun group that I teach once a week while their moms are in a women's Bible study. It's held at the church where Toby attends preschool. Norah loves being able to stay at the church while Toby's in school because the teacher in the nursery has bubbles. Without fail Norah will walk into the toddlers' playroom on Wednesday mornings and say, "Bubble?" to the teacher. Well, it's either that or "cracker?" which is what she gets for snack on Sunday mornings. I like how she associates time apart from me by what the child care workers give her. I can just imagine her thinking, "OK, I'll come in here and play with you, but what's in it for me? Bubbles? Yes, I like those. Crackers? Good, I was getting hungry." She's easy to please and for that I will be forever grateful.
Toby's preschool class will be putting on a Christmas program but we will miss it because we'll be in Colorado. I am bummed about this, but I can't quite tell if he understands that he'll be missing the program and whether or not he cares. He is going to be a shepherd. I am going to watch his class practice next Wednesday. Maybe we'll get all the cousins together in Colorado to put on a Christmas play for the grandparents.
In the evening on Wednesday a sitter came over to put the kids to bed so I could have some "sanity time," as one friend put it. I went out and did a little Christmas shopping. I had the sitter come for two hours: I went to two stores, spent what seemed like a really long time in each store, and I went to Starbucks for coffee. Here's the weird thing: I came home with 20 minutes to "spare." I didn't know what else to do, so I sat in the car for a while and then snuck into my own house while the sitter was reading Toby stories. How pathetic is that?
Here's a few pictures from the other day.
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