Thursday, April 8, 2010

My Kids' Vocabularies

In the span of about 5 minutes today (within 20 minutes of waking up) Toby was heard saying: "Mom, I almost didn't see this [red] vitamin because it was camouflaged [on our red counter top]." and "Mom, what are these chemicals in my juice?" I have no idea where he's getting the idea about chemicals in his juice, but he learned the word camouflage in preschool. Gotta love it.
Norah, last night, said two of my favorite phrases, which she puts into heavy rotation when she wants us to stop what we're doing and give her attention: "Mommy, nuggle me." and "Hold you minute?" [meaning, snuggle with me and can you hold me?] These are timed so perfectly that I can't help but think that she's plotting to take over the world, one innocent phrase at a time.

Now it's time for me to head out on a jog (it's going to be 80 degrees today!!) and Norah uses another catchy phrase when I tell her she's coming with me: "No want to!"

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