I spent all afternoon on the phone today talking to service people about getting a fridge fixed at our old house (because BJ spent all day yesterday on the phone and I didn't want him spending a second day on it). First estimate: $600 to fix. Second estimate: "Well, the part is $250 and the labor... a couple of hours..." Thanks and goodbye. (Verdict: replace it. Question: what ever happened to the fridges that seemed to last so long you wanted them to break so you could get a new one that wasn't beige or avocado green???)
This isn't a rant about how crappy it is to have rental properties and dealing with them long distance. This is actually an observation that some of the people I dealt with on the phone today don't seem to remember what they should have learned in 5th grade: The abbreviation for Connecticut is CT, people! Not CN or CO! (I was talking with people in Colorado and giving them my Connecticut info.)
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