Thursday, November 11, 2010

My Lasers

Toby and I are playing Lego battle while Norah naps this afternoon.  I'm enjoying having him home today--it's Veteran's Day, no school--but I've noticed that our battles are significantly different than they were in the rainy days of spring.  Star Wars is totally to blame for this.  Now, every battle is won with lasers.  Toby has set up my crew with 6 guys and a horse: an alien, a storm trooper, and 4 knights complete with bows and arrows.  I think the storm trooper has a spear.  Oh, and I have a ship, but when I tried to make it do a fly over Toby said "No! That ship doesn't fly.  It just sits there." That's helpful.
Toby's side has over 12 people, a fortress, and several high-powered shooting objects.  And apparently his side has Luke Skywalker and everyone has "the force."  So they don't die.  And their lasers go through all my shields.  My role seems simply to cry out "oh no!" and make my Lego guys fall over when his guys shoot mine.
What else do you expect in a battle of lasers versus arrows and spears?

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