Monday, January 9, 2012

My Winter Break

So, apparently, I've been on a bit of a blogging break.
Sorry for the lack of warning. I'll get things going again shortly.

I do have about 300 pictures from the last month of travels on my camera, and once I get those downloaded I'll put them online for the world to see.

I really do have cute children, and sometimes it's good for me to post pictures of them being cute. Perhaps upon viewing the cuteness the strangers giving me the evil eye in the grocery store on Saturday night would understand that Norah's screeching was not normal. And I could have explained to anyone interested that her completely illogical and high-pitched crying was really stemming from her desire to be safe and buckled inside the cart, which she believed had a faulty buckle system. Mere safety concern from the safety officer in the family, really. The end result of the screaming fit was a streamlined visit through the store (milk, eggs, bread, goodbye), a breeze past the free cookie at the end of the checkout aisles, and me practically leaving them behind at the entrance whining to ride the (almost undoubtedly broken) mechanical dinosaur. And a vow on my part to never ever ever ever ever (not ever again) use one of those horrid double-carts that grocery stores provide to push more than one kid. I have indulged them in the past with the "free ride" through the store on one of those things, convincing myself that it's a win-win (they are buckled in and contained and I'm getting a great workout). No more lies, people. Those things are torture devices disguised as a convenience item.

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