Friday, March 16, 2012

My daughter has never been stung by a bee...

But she is terrified of them.
For three days in a row now it has been so beautiful outside that Norah and I have enjoyed eating lunch on the deck. And now Toby and Norah are playing outside (Norah came in to get water to make "mush pies") this afternoon before dinner.
For the past three days Norah has, at some point in her outside playtime, squealed or screamed at the top of her lungs about a bee. Just now she ran to the door, yelling at Toby over her shoulder, "Run for your life!!" Toby continued to play and said "Why?" Norah replied "Well, don't run for your life if you want to get stung by the bee!"
She only lasted a minute or two inside watching Toby play before she braved the outdoors again.

Oh yes, did I mention that I have yet to see a bee outside? I am pretty sure she is screaming about a fly or a stink bug, but if she says they're bees I am not going to talk her out of it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How cute! and so funny! Do you remember hating to eat outside? Was it the dark? or the bugs? I never could figure it out! But, I'm sure you never said it was for fear of your life!!!!