Sunday, February 24, 2013

My Party Girl

I don't think I can believe the rumors. Mean, nasty rumors that say my baby girl is going to be five this week. I think I am just going to ignore them and enjoy Norah as she is, at four.

Her on-the-street fashion sense is easily the best in the family. She even has a pet monkey, which is all the rage these days. (P.S. She is also sporting wings in this outfit that you can't see in the picture.)

Her birthday party on Saturday was just a glorified play date, really, and she had so much fun. She gets along well with everyone in her class. Even while hoarding cookies in her cheeks like a chipmunk.

She loves to take random pictures of her family, usually when they are unaware, or sneaking something like a lollipop.

She loves surprises, parties, and discovering new things.

She can wear a crown with such confidence that no one thinks to ask, "What's the occasion?" and instead they assume, "She is some fancy princess so we must give her ice cream and strawberries with every meal!"

We love this little bug so much, and she is such a light in our family!
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1 comment:

chelsey said...

Happy birthday, Norah!