Tuesday, March 12, 2013

My 400th Post

Upon logging in to Blogger this morning I noticed that I have written 399 posts for this blog. This changed my (admittedly already weak) plan for what I wanted to post this morning. So, lucky you, I am going to post a "special" 400th posting here! Hooray!
This picture kind of captures what this blog has been for me, in my attempt to chronicle my life as a full-time mom. I feel like you're only getting the smallest glimpse of what our day to day life is like, and even then it's kind of blurry and misdirected. And as I write about something cute or funny or mundane the kids are already on to other things, faster than I can type! So instead of giving the "real time" highlights of life around these parts I seem to only grab a smidge, before we're all left wondering "what was that about?"
For example, in the picture above Norah is showing us that she has two pairs of shoes in different colors. She wanted to wear one of each while we walked Toby to the bus one morning last year. I grabbed a picture while we were walking. That in itself is pretty typical around here, but the picture completely illustrates my point about blogging this little tid-bit. I can only show so much about these wonderful, complicated, adorable, crazy kids and our adventures. And my attempt at a picture only goes so far. I hope it's enough for you to see that we are enjoying the ride.

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