Thursday, January 22, 2009

My Funny Kids

Every day I see more of my kids' personalities and imaginations shine through.
The other day Toby was talking about things he did with his little brother. I wondered where he got the idea that he had a little brother. I asked him about how he got a brother and he replied "The Tooth Fairy poofed him." Apparently his impression of the Tooth Fairy is a little bit bigger than we intended to communicate.
And any time I need to calm Norah down or occupy her for a few minutes the never-fail solution is to give her my purse, and specifically my wallet. The thing she gets the fastest: my credit card. Hmmm... I think we'll be shopping together in no time!

No word yet on the "lost" bag. We put in a claim on Friday for $1600 worth of stuff. I claimed $225 for the signed 1st edition of Eclipse. It's probably worth less than a generically signed 1st edition (mine was personalized), but it's still worth way more than the $20 I paid for it 18 months ago.

Addition: While I was typing this BJ walked around the corner into the living room where the kids were playing and I hear this exchange: "Hey Toby, what happened here? Is this naughty?" and Toby's reply: "Norah did it." Which is probably in some part true (she was getting into my purse) but it was just pretty funny that Toby immediately jumped to "Norah did it." What do we have to look forward to in the years to come?

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