Friday, January 30, 2009

My "Snow" Day

Some of you may have heard the news about the snow and ice storm that socked New England with tons of, well, snow and ice. We did get bad weather on Wednesday, but not what we're used to. We woke up to canceled school (BJ actually had his classes canceled in Storrs) and work (my Bible study cancels meetings if school is delayed or canceled). So did we all get to sleep in and then go outside and make snowmen or have a snowball fight? Nope. We had sleet and freezing rain here on the coast. Wednesday afternoon I bundled the kids all up to go out and instead of a nice blanket of puffy snow we sloshed through slushy mud to get to the car. Toby was really confused because I had packed him into his snowsuit. "Why am I all wet?" was his question. "Because it's raining and not snowing" I had to answer. He seemed to think this was weird. So did I.

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