Thursday, February 3, 2011

My Miscommunication

Last night I got the kids together for "family movie night," like we sometimes do when BJ's working.  It just so happened that the DVD Secretariat had arrived in our mailbox that morning, so in celebration of Toby 's sixth snow day of the year we sat down with popcorn at three in the afternoon to watch "the horse movie," as I put it.
I know the story about Big Red (having read all about him as a horse-loving kid), and I know that Disney made the movie to be a family-friendly affair.  After struggling through the first 45 minutes of the film I decided that Disney spent too much of the story on death and taxes (literally) for it to be friendly to any family with kids under the age of 16.  But that's not what made us stop watching it.  There were some parts in the beginning, specifically when Secretariat was born and when he ran his first year's worth of races, that were entertaining for the kids.  But when the adults had long conversations about taxes and "breeding shares" the kids checked out.  (Thankfully--who wants to explain breeding shares to kids?)  I was trying narrate an edited version of the story but I had to pause it every few moments to hear Norah ask, "Where are the guys in the red shirts?" or "When are the guys in red going to be in the sky?"  I had no answer to these questions but Toby would roll his eyes and say, "Norah, this isn't a Star Wars movie, and they aren't going to fly!"**
After about the fourth time I had to stop the movie to hear Norah ask about red people flying around we gave up and decided to color instead.  Norah picked up a Disney book and started drawing, but when she turned to the next page she pointed to the guy on it and said, "Mommy, when are we going to watch these guys (click here) in the movie?"  Now all her questions about the flying people made a lot more sense.  Unfortunately, I have no idea how she got to thinking that the horse movie was also going to contain the Incredibles.

**We have spent quite a few family movie nights watching Star Wars-related media (do you know how many cartoons there are related to Star Wars???).  We needed a family movie selection that was not related to Star Wars.  What could be better than a horse movie?

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