Thursday, February 3, 2011

My Summary of January

January can be summed up in two words here at the Strawser house: Snow and Sickness.

With umpteen snow days, late starts and early dismissals Toby was barely in school for two weeks.  But he conveniently got sick over a weekend, which didn't detract from the few days that he was able to get to school last month.

Unfortunately the sickness that brought him down over a weekend caught up to BJ and me the following week.  Norah (AKA The Doctor) has yet to spend a day being sick, and I wouldn't wish it on her in a million years.

As a result of the snow and the sicknesses we accumulated precious little time looking picture-perfect and therefore have few quality pictures to share with you from the month of January.  But, they're posted above none the less.

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