It was filled with all of the wonderful family traditions that we both grew up with, like reading "The Night Before Christmas" together on Christmas Eve. We also went to a lovely service on Christmas Eve, where the kids enjoyed a story and, of course, the cookies they served afterwards. We came home and set out cookies and milk for Santa.
On Christmas morning the kids were delighted to find their stockings full, the cookies and milk gone, and more presents under the tree, including a "Leapster" for each of them. Norah calls hers a "Weapster."
A visit to Oma and Opa's is not complete without lots of time spent cuddling with Dickens, the dog. By mid-morning I think Dickens just wanted to go back to bed.
BJ and I got to enjoy a lot of time with his parents, including some nights watching movies, playing Password (and when I say "playing" I really mean "the ladies beating the men nearly every round"), and tasting new beers. I'm pretty sure I ate my weight in brownies and cheesecake. We stayed an extra day (due to the major storm that blew through New England right after Christmas) and watched the Air Force in a bowl game, too, which was a fun time.
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