Wednesday, January 19, 2011

My Weird Weather Day

My wake-up call yesterday went something like this: "Good morning!  This is your superintendent of schools telling you we're having a 90-minute delay.  This seems like a safe bet because, while there's ice raining down right now and freezing roads and windshields, the weather is forecasted to switch over to rain this morning which won't cause any delays unless there's flooding."  What a weird way to wake up!  The phone call woke Toby, who then climbed into our bed to get warm, got out of our bed to go to the bathroom, and then crawled back into our bed with Norah in tow.  Four people "sleeping" on a double bed might have been commonplace around a hundred years ago, but I'm thinking that people back then were much smaller.  Not much sleep happens, and a lot of people get kicked and scratched trying to keep the covers on to stay warm.  I got out of bed to go turn my alarm off and turn the heat up (Norah sweetly asks "What do you need Mommy?").
Sure enough, the rain was pouring down and our cars were covered in an inch of ice.  OK, thank goodness we don't have to wait for the bus during an ice pellets shower.  I get my first sip of coffee when the phone rings again: "Hello again!  Sorry to do this, but we're going to cancel school today.  We were hoping that it would get a little bit warmer but it's still too icy and cold for people to get to school safely.  Again, sorry for doing the delay first and then canceling anyway, but stay safe."  Good deal, we don't have to wait outside for the bus at all today!
Later in the morning I decided to try out the wet roads and take the kids to the library.  We cleared the ice off the car (it came off in big sheets.)  I don't think I realized that it was raining hard until I got outside and started loading the kids up in the car (I know, I saw it raining earlier, but it didn't register).  Have you ever walked through a foot of snow while in the pouring rain?  Things are slippery, slushy, cold and wet all at the same time.  Not a fun outing for me, but the kids had a blast wielding their umbrellas.  We made it safely to the library, and spent just enough time there to dry off before heading back out.  Into the pouring rain.  I really hate the rain.  Well, the cold, freezing rain.  The kind that sneaks into every opening in your clothing while you're trying to buckle your kid into a car seat.  Once we got home we changed into dry clothes, got slippers and blankets, and read books all afternoon.
The rain eventually stopped, leaving flooded driveways and puddles on top of snow.  It made sense in the morning for Toby's school to close, but we still can't figure out why BJ's afternoon class was canceled (his first of the semester).

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