Monday, January 24, 2011

My Thankfulness Reaches Frigid Lows

I have many things to be thankful for, of course.  But while I was outside waiting for Toby's bus this afternoon in 16 degree cold (9 degrees if you count the wind chill) I was very thankful that I'm not a squirrel.  This may seem like a random thought, considering how I already feel about squirrels, but their footprints were all over the snow and I could just picture them freezing their little toes off running around in search of a nut in this frigid weather.  The thought only lasted a minute, and now I'm in our toasty warm house (even thought I'm still wearing a hat and two sweaters) about to serve chocolate chip cookies (with slightly fewer chocolate chips than normal) to the kids for their afternoon snack.  Aren't you thankful you're not a squirrel?

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