Friday, April 1, 2011

My Home Office

I got a job this week (hooray!) which was completely unexpected and very last-minute. (I sent the guy my resume at 2:00 on a Wednesday and he called me at 2:15 asking me if I could start right away--and I'm positive it had little to do with a sparkling resume.) But it's only for the next 3 weeks, it's interesting material, and it gets my foot in the door with a new company. In short, it hasn't been a slow transition on the home front but it's been manageable. I thought I'd send along a picture of my desk, because I've often thought of how the concept of "my space" is just an illusion in our house. My desk is the dining room table (read: our only table) and a basket. Everything folds up nicely and is easily portable, but it is a bit challenging to feel pride in my work space. Hopefully this new job will not be affected by the crumbs and coffee stains at the table.

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