Thursday, April 28, 2011

My "UNcategorically Excellent" Husband

Avery Point had their annual awards ceremony yesterday.  Glancing at the program we noticed a large handful of his former students being recognized for awards, and it was nice to hear about their accomplishments (and to hear them confirmed from BJ's experiences with them in class).
There's something quaint about the campus where BJ teaches.  They try the "pomp and circumstance" of larger schools, and it usually just comes across as "cute." Yesterday was much of the same.  We were in attendance because BJ was chosen to be recognized at the awards ceremony.  We weren't sure what for...
It turns out that they wanted to acknowledge BJ's excellent service and teaching record over the last 3 years, but they didn't have an existing category to fit him into, seeing as he's not an adjunct, an instructor, or a grad student in an Avery Point program (and we saw people receive awards for all those things--and more--yesterday).  So they made up an award category for him: uncategorically excellent.
Frankly, I could have told him he was "uncategorically excellent" and printed a nice little certificate, but it couldn't compare to the cheer and public recognition that he received at the awards ceremony.  All for a grad assistant teaching his philosophy classes and impacting so many students at little, quaint Avery Point.

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