Sunday, April 10, 2011

My Sunday Reflections

I should probably be getting ready for church this morning, but instead I had a lovely chat with a friend who recently had a baby.  Her struggles with getting little sleep got me thinking about how far we've come since our kids were itty bitty.  I looked up some old blog posts to gain a little perspective.  I thought it would be fun to link to a few of them from time to time so that I can keep in mind where we've been.  Especially when where we're headed is so unclear.

So, two years ago was this: My Son's Socks.  And guess what?  He still leaves socks around the house!  (Clearly the lesson learned is that I did a terrible job teaching him to pick up after himself!)
[Two years ago I was also posting pictures of our trip to Europe.  That seems like forever ago!]

And one year ago: My Side-by-Side Photos.  I should have re-posed that one alongside last week's pictures of the kids!

P.S.  For those of you familiar with the Mystic area you're going to laugh when I tell you another reason I'm moving slowly today: I went on a run yesterday from the Mystic-Noank Library down River Road (past my old house on Pearl Street!) and back.  A total of 5.25 gorgeous, sunny miles.  With a finish that was so ugly I'm pretty sure my 90+ year-old grandparents would have gone faster up that hill.  ;o)  That's what I get for not wanting to try and find a parking spot closer to downtown!

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