Saturday, May 28, 2011

My Cannon-baller

Weekly swimming lessons have ended until July.
Toby is allowed to sign up for the next level (3).  I have been really impressed with Toby's bravery and fearlessness in swimming in the deep end this session.  He can swim the length of the pool with only a foam noodle for assistance.
Here are 3 pictures of him doing a cannon ball.
As expected, Norah will be continuing in Level 1 for at least another session.  She spent 6 weeks of swimming lessons hanging on to either the wall or her teacher. But she was very happy doing so, and is excited to return to Level 1 later this summer.

Norah (2nd in line) waits to jump to her teacher.
Toby (2nd from left in background) at the deep end.
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