Tuesday, May 17, 2011

My Zoo Field Trip

Earlier this month we went on a field trip with Toby's class to the zoo in Providence.  It was a lot of fun for everyone.  We were paired up with Toby's best buddy Elijah and his big brother.  We saw lots of animals (the anteater being the only one I managed to snag a picture of), ate lunch together, and topped the day off with a ride on the carousel.  I loved seeing Toby hang out with his best buddy all day.  They seem to have a lot of fun together.  Well, they run around together a lot, which is often the most common activity among 5 year old boys.  So I equate that with fun.
Seeing the elephants walk around.

They're watching a black bear napping in the sun.

Spot the anteater!

Toby saying "oh well" because his horse was broken and wouldn't go up and down.

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