Wednesday, May 4, 2011

My Little Words

I'm reflecting this week on little words, and the importance they play in different situations. Think about the words on, in and down. Here's a scenario where these little words lead to uniquely different consequences:

In our family's bathroom the medicine cabinet is situated above the toilet.  At times it gets a little crowded when two or more people are trying to brush their teeth, and sometimes a toothbrush gets knocked out of the cabinet by overzealous little grabbing hands.  The following words may or may not have been uttered in our bathroom at one point or another:
"Was that Daddy's toothbrush that just fell on the toilet?"
"Did Daddy's toothbrush just fall in the toilet?"
"Who saw if Daddy's toothbrush fell down the toilet?"
Each of those statements might have been followed by various scrambling actions to rescue the toothbrush, if possible, or else a scheduled family trip to the store for a new toothbrush.  Which, by the way, end up frighteningly similar to trips down the Band-Aid aisle.
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